Fauna Deco

Ministerial graduated taxidermist

T a x i d e r m y

intro2 intro1 intro2 intro2 intro2 intro2 intro2



What to do if you have found a dead protected animal and want a taxidermist to prepare it:

Put the animal, preferably with gloves on (due to infections) in a plastic bag, and put it into the freezer as soon as possible, to counter the rotting process. The fresher the animal the better.

Then go to the police station and ask for a transport statement (this is free of charge). Deliver within 3 days, preferably frozen, the animal and the transport statement to an authorized taxidermist (without the transport statement, the taxidermist cannot take the animal).


Finally each animal of the taxidermist will get a label (that is a plastic mark with a specific number on it), so that it is traceable where the animal came from, and who prepared it.


For more information, please visit the website of the Dutch Association of taxidermists.